Excess Body Weight & Cancer

When you have some extra weight that you’re trying to lose, it’s easy to focus on just that. But remember, in most cases those extra pounds are a symptom of your body not being as healthy as it should be. “When your body gets to a healthy state, it naturally returns to a healthy weight.”

As detailed in the Weekday Fast plan, we believe Intermittent Fasting allows the body to naturally heal itself during those periods where it is in a fasted state, and not focusing on food digestion and fat storage. We also know that Cancer cells LOVE sugar, and when the body is in a fasted state, they aren’t getting any. Conversely, if we are eating constantly they are getting fed constantly.

As the blog post below details, at least 1 in 17 Cancers are directly related to obesity — just one more reason to adopt a healthy lifestyle of Intermittent Fasting!

Veggies – Smart Food Substitutions while Intermittent Fasting

In a recent poll of WeekdayFasters, I asked “What is your biggest challenge on Fast Days?” There were several responses in the theme of “Eating too much when I do eat.” There is an easy fix to this problem – vegetables!

If you don’t love vegetables, you are going to need to become better friends with them. If you are not a fan of vegetables, you should really consider trying them again. I know people who tried a red bell pepper once twenty years ago and decided they don’t like them. But when we serve up an appetizer veggie platter with a couple dipping sauces, those are one of the first selections to disappear. (Hint: they are sweet and delicious, and packed with Vitamin A!).

The numerous health and nutrition benefits to eating a multi-colored array of vegetables are well documented – most are low in calories and fat, they are good sources of many nutrients including Vitamins A, C, folate, potassium, and of course dietary fiber. They are also filling, which is important for us especially on our Fast 5/2 days. Suffice to say… Vegetables should be a big part of your overall diet, especially on Fast 5/2 days!

Here are our rules for Veggies:

1) Make veggies at least 50% of every meal
2) Have some cut-up, raw veggies available all day long on Fast 5/2 days

Remember, you always want to know what you are going to eat before you get hungry. When it comes to food choices, decisions should not be made in the moment – you are much more likely to splurge if you don’t have a healthy choice standing by already. You should go into your day (and week) knowing what your food plan is. At home or at work, make sure to have a ziplock baggie of pre-cut celery, bell peppers (green and red are both delicious in their own way), a few carrots, sliced cucumber, some broccoli crowns and whatever other veggies you like. Another great snack (my wife’s favorite!) is a small bag of about ten almonds or walnuts. I know that doesn’t sound like much, but they have lots of healthy fats and are very satisfying!)

On Fast 5/2 days, Lisa and I often enjoy a selection of raw veggies with a half glass of wine while we are cooking our dinner. It “keeps the wolf from the door” as the old saying goes. Pass on the ranch and instead try dipping them in salsa, a brown mustard/balsamic vinegar dressing (homemade, super-easy) or nothing at all! If you snack on some veggies while you are preparing your dinner, I guarantee by the time your main course is served, it will be plenty enough to fill you up.

Dinner always includes lots of veggies, 4-6oz of protein (usually chicken or whitefish, but sometimes very lean beef or venison) and perhaps a little starch. (The way that usually happens is we have pasta prepared for the kids, and rather than feeling like I’m going without, I’ll put a single spoonful on my plate.) Sometimes Lisa makes us a huge lettuce/carrot/tomato/cucumber/whatever else we have in the house salad, and sometimes we just nuke one of the HEB steam-in-the-bag veggies (peas, peas & carrots, green beans). During the spring/summer months we have fresh veggies from Lisa’s garden, and/or we go to the farmer’s market on Saturday morning and load up!

Veggies are super healthy and should be a big part of the Weekday Fast plan….and every day. Embrace them!

Daily Tracking – A Valuable Tool when Intermittent Fasting

In my two decade plus quest to lose weight, I heard a lot of different opinions on how often you should weigh yourself when you’re “on a diet”. One school of thought encourages stepping on the scale every morning, while some disagree and say it is better to do a weekly weigh-in so you don’t “obsess over the scale”. While I sympathize with the second idea, I strongly believe a daily weigh-in is the way to go. To borrow and often used analogy, if I am flying a plane from New York to LA, I want to know as soon as I am going off course so I can nudge the wheel back in the right direction and get to my destination on time!

Daily monitoring and tracking are important tools on the Weekday Fast plan. If you were put in charge of an extremely important project at work and told that your outcome would be judged carefully to determine how successful you had been, you would probably do the following if you wanted to be successful.

  1. Put in place a mechanism to carefully track your ongoing progress…
  2. Pay close attention to the time and materials you were using…
  3. Evaluate your progress on a daily or weekly basis to see what is working and what is not…
  4. And use that feedback to change and improve your methodology to maximize your performance.

By doing these three things, you are MUCH more likely to succeed in your project, right? Congratulations, YOU are hearby in charge of the most important project of your life – YOU.  That’s right, YOU are now in charge of “Getting Healthy, Getting Fit & Living Your Life”.  Here are the tools to track and measure your progress.

Weigh Yourself Every Day

Every morning you should weigh yourself and have some sort of mechanism for monitoring your weight.  This is important for several reasons.

  • When you weigh yourself the morning after a Fast 5/2 day, you will nearly always see that you have lost some weight. This is an important REWARD in the Cue, Response, Reward cycle for the new habit you are developing for fasting two days a week.  Your Cue is time – Monday or Thursday.  Your RESPONSE is to reduce your caloric intake to 500/600 for the day, and your REWARD is the weight loss you will see on the scale.  There are other rewards for a Fast day such as feeling great, thinking clearly, sleeping better and the other health benefits, but none are so clear cut and precise as seeing that you’ve lost a specific amount of weight on the scale.
  • You must MEASURE something if you want to track it. As I’ve said, you will adapt to this way of eating in a few weeks, but for some people there will be some natural second thoughts before that adjustment is complete.  When you can pull up your spreadsheet or smartphone app and see that graph line trending down, it will keep you motivated.

You will need a decent quality, digital scale that is accurate to at least one decimal point.  I bought this one on Amazon for about $60.  It has Bluetooth capabilities, and you can set it up for up to four family members.  Each person can load their app on their smart phone, and every day when you weight it sync the results to your profile. You can pull up graphs and charts showing your progress on both the app and their website!  In addition to pounds/kilograms, it also measure bone density, water %, muscle mass %, fat% – so you can see your progress in all those categories too.

For the most accurate results, you should weigh at the same time every day so your results are consistent.  The best time is first thing in the morning, as you will be your lightest after you first wake up and use the restroom.  Remember water is heavy!  “A pint’s a pound the world round.”  That first 32oz glass of water you are going to drink will actually add TWO POUNDS of weight!  Of course it’s temporary, but still you can see that your weight will naturally fluctuate during the day as you ingest and eliminate foods and fluids. First thing in the morning when you haven’t been drinking any liquids for many hours, but you have eliminated all of them, is the time you will be at your minimum daily weight, and therefore the best time to measure it.  So get on the scale and then head to the kitchen for that first glass of water!


Along with weighing yourself daily, you should also develop the habit of logging everything you eat into the free MyFitnessPal app.  Download it to your smart phone and also log in and familiarize yourself with the web interface.  MyFitnessPal has thousands of foods, including most restaurant menu items, in their database.  As such, you are able to accurately track exactly how many calories and how much sugar, fat, carbohydrates, protein and sodium you are consuming.

An added benefit to tracking everything in MyFitnessPal is it makes you aware every time you eat and accountable to yourself. If you know you are going to have to log that extra donut in, you are less likely to eat it after all.

Buy a Food Scale

You can get an inexpensive digital food scale on Amazon for about $10.  This will allow you to measure your food accurately (especially on fast days), so “6 oz of baked chicken” REALLY IS 6 ounces of baked chicken. Also, it’s kind of fun to be able to weigh everything in the kitchen.  Is that pound of hamburger meat really a pound?  Does a pint of water really weigh a pound?  Now you’ll know!

Track Your Progress

If you are utilizing a weight tracking app and MyFitnessPal, that may be enough to track your progress.  I also have a “Daily Food Log” spreadsheet I’ve developed that I use that lets me track not only my weight and food choices, but also my moods and “how I feel” each day.  This can allow you to stop trends and identify if there are certain foods that don’t agree with you, or interfere with your progress.  For example, this is how I realized that any day where I have pizza, pasta, or go to a restaurant for dinner is not going to be a day where I weigh less the next day.  Does this mean I don’t eat pizza, pasta or go to restaurants? Heck no!  But it avoids disappointments and allows me to plan my indulgences.

Measure Your Success and You’ll Have More Of It!

One of the key components of the Weekday Fast plan is taking back control of your food choices. With just a few tools and a little time each day, you can have a good record of “what works and what doesn’t”.  You can eat anything you want, but when you know how that choice is going to affect your body and weight, you can make a more informed choice. One week it might be “I’m up a few pounds, better skip the pizza this week.” Another it might be “Heck yeah, I’m eating the pizza tonight. I know I’ll probably gain a bit but I’ll knock it right back down on my Thursday fast.”


Welcome to the Weekday Fast for Friends!

Hello there, and thanks for stopping by to see what the Weekday Fast program is all about. If you want a little history, check out the blog post below which is essentially the introduction section of the Weekday Fast program blueprint that you can download by clicking that link.

You’re probably wondering why the heck I am doing this. Honestly, I’m just really pumped about finding a way to lose weight that is easy and healthy too. It just so happened that a few people I told it about tried it and it worked for them too, so I decided I’d share it with my friends! If you want to check it out, just download the PDF.

I want to apologize to the people I promised I would have this out “after the New Year.”  So I’m a month late or so, but look at it this way – football season is over with and you’ve already given up on your New Year’s resolutions, so now is the perfect time to jump into something that ACTUALLY WORKS.  😉

Everyone knows that it’s easier to change habits when you are doing it with friends or accountability partners! If you’re the social type, join the private Facebook Group for Friends and we can all share ideas and keep each other accountable. I’ve got another 20lbs to go to hit my goal weight of 190 – which would make me “not obese” according to the BMI charts – for the first time in more years than I care to admit. I’d love to have some help – the last few pounds are the hardest! Jump in there, and please feel free to ask any and all questions you may have. I promise to be active in the group and hope you will be too.

If you prefer to keep your privacy, just know that you’re always welcome to call or email me with any questions. The only thing I ask of everyone is – if you try it, let me know how things are going!

I’m transitioning from maintenance mode to weightloss mode on Monday, February 12th. If you want to start then too, this gives you a few days to read through and ask any questions you might have. (I might even do a Facebook Live in the group to answer questions if I get a bunch.) But don’t worry – you can start ANY TIME you want – tomorrow or next month or whenever. That’s one of the great things about this lifestyle – you make it work around your calendar and your life.

Click here to join the Facebook Group, and be sure to say Hi once you get in there!


P.S. If you see any spelling or grammar errors, broken links etc. please let me know. I’m new at this blog thing…

The Weekday Fast Plan – Introduction

(This is the Introduction to the Weekday Fast Plan – free download by clicking the link.)

I am sure many of my friends who are reading this and know that I am a computer guy are amused that I’ve suddenly started giving health advice. The truth is, after being overweight for 25 years, when I finally found something that works that also happens to be the easiest way to lose weight I’ve ever heard of, it was impossible not to share it. Being a computer guy, I am pretty good at is aggregating large amounts of data, testing different methods, trying different things in tandem and observing what works. It’s a work in progress, and your mileage may vary, but I am absolutely convinced that if you adapt the Weekday Fast lifestyle, you will improve your health and lose weight.

You see, I have been overweight for most of my adult life – until now. When I was in college I was in pretty good shape, but once I got in the workforce and started spending most of my days at a desk, things went downhill fast. At one point I got on Nutri-System where they give you the food and you meet weekly, and actually lost around 60 pounds! But after I went off the program, I gained it all back.

When I got married in 1999 I was tipping the scales at nearly 280. Thanks to my wife’s healthy cooking and not eating out so much, I got down to around 250 over the course of the next few years. (Unfortunately, that still put me in the “Obese” category according to my BMI. The top end of the “Normal” scale for someone my height is 194, so I’m shooting for 190 now.)

Over the next 25 years or so I tried the Atkins, South Beach, The Zone diet, Fit for Life, Slow Carb and a handful of others. Not to mention the half dozen fad diet books I bought and then never even started. Maybe if I had stuck to one of these diets forever I might have had lasting results, but every one of them had something in common – I had to abandon some of the foods I love to eat. That might work in the short term, but before long, I would miss my favorite foods and the willpower to stay on the diet would evaporate. Some diets didn’t work, some did, but in every case, as soon as I stopped the diet, any lost weight came right back. That’s why I now firmly believe – Diets Don’t Work!

What about exercise? About ten years ago, I decided I just needed to exercise more. I re-joined a gym for the first time in a couple decades and began to work out regularly. Then I got back into running, which I had enjoyed in my 20’s but abandoned when I got into the workforce. I started running 5ks, then a 10k, and eventually a couple half Marathons. Yet no matter how much or how far I ran, I didn’t lose any weight. I asked my doctor about that and gave me the grim news – after the age of 35 or so, it is nearly impossible to lose weight through exercise alone. You have to change what and how much you eat. (I now know the third and most important part of that equation – changing WHEN you eat.) There ARE other reasons to get some regular exercise, and I believe it is part of a synergistic healthy lifestyle – but “You can’t exercise yourself thin.”

In March of 2016 when we returned from our Spring Break family vacation, I realized I had put on a few pounds, so I stepped on the scale and discovered that my “normal” weight of 250 where I had been stuck for twenty years had ballooned to 265! Enough is enough. I told my wife I was getting serious, and I started hitting the gym three times a week, walking every day and really watching my carbohydrate intake. A month went by while I felt better, I had only lost a few pounds and those had all come in the first week.

Then my stepdaughter Jackie sent me a Facebook message and said “Mom said you were trying to lose weight. I’ve been doing this and it works!” Curious, I checked out her link and it was a BBC special by Dr. Mosley.  At first I was incredulous – but the more I studied it, the more it made sense. I tried it, and between June 1st and Thanksgiving, I dropped to 215, where I maintained for almost a year. Meaning – for the first time ever, I kept the weight off!

Over the course of the past year or so, I’ve gotten into several conversations about “How I did it”. Naturally, I was enthusiastic about my success after so many years of failure, so I would explain what I did. After a few times, I got pretty good at the speech! And then a funny thing kept happening. A few months after I had told someone about my plan, I’d run into them again, and they said something along the lines of “Hey, remember that day when you were telling me about how you lost your weight. I started doing exactly what you told me, and it works! It’s awesome! I’ve lost ___ pounds!” After the third or fourth time, I started realizing – this can’t be a coincidence. This doesn’t just work for me…it works for a lot of people.

I decided if I was going to challenge all of you to try the Weekday Fast, I should have some skin in the game too. Not to mention, it would be more fun to have some friends doing it with me. My original goal was to get to 190, where my BMI will show that I am no longer “obese” – for the first time in over 25 years! I’m just about to go back on the weight-loss version (as opposed to maintenance mode), and I know when I start dropping weight again, people are going to notice and ask me about it. I decided to write it out and share it, in hopes that it will help you too. I even started a Facebook Group, so if you’re interested, please join. Whether you join the group or not, please let me know how it goes! Shoot me an email or share with everyone in the Facebook Group. We can all support each other, compare experiences, and I’ll answer as many questions as I can. All of this is completely free.

Finally, I want to be clear that I did not “discover” Intermittent Fasting or nearly any of the information in this plan. I have assembled bits and pieces of a few different methods and after testing a bunch of things, can recommend a pretty good, simple program that definitely works for me and those I’ve shared it with.

Giving credit where due, I originally heard about this idea through Dr. Michael Mosley. He started the entire “Fast 5/2” movement. You can watch the BBC special that started it all on YouTube, and I strongly recommend his book, The Fast Diet. It’s only $10 on Amazon. The Weekday Fast plan incorporates many of the Fast Diet principals, but there is much more to it. But Dr. Mosley’s book is a great resource and reference to the science behind intermittent fasting. If you’re interested in the nitty gritty details of how and why it works – grab a copy of his book! Since then I have read several more books and spent many hours researching on the web, but for a quick intro and foundation, his book can’t be beat.

I hope you enjoy this document, I hope you enjoy the blog, I hope you’ll join the Facebook Group, and I hope you’ll give Weekday Fast a try.  If you have any questions at all – reach out to me, I want to help!
