It’s been a crazy year, hasn’t it? I have to admit, it’s been a rough one, and you can see that there has not been much activity on this site. COVID was a huge distraction and it really affected so many of our lives in so many ways. I am thankful the vaccine is available and know you all join me in hoping 2021 will get back to somewhat normal!
If you’re like me, one of the side affects of sheltering at home is putting on some extra “Pandemic Pounds!” Well, you know we take the holidays off around here and enjoy time with our family & friends. January is a month of renewal and new beginnings – this coming year more than any I can remember.
So enjoy your time with family and friends, have a Merry Christmas (or whatever holiday you celebrate) and a Happy New Year – we’ll see you in 2021! We have lots of plans, and it all begins in January.